New York City: Battle of the Skyscrapers ©2014 BASEBALLDUDE This map is designed with lots of skyscrapers all over the place. There is a total of 12 big buildings in the map, plus more in the background, which is a custom env hand-picked (ripped off) from the Internet by BASEBALLDUDE. (env design credit goes to The Mighty Pete.) In order to make this map more "visually appealing," BASEBALLDUDE uses models from SK89Q in this map for the cars, streetlights, and dumpsters. sk89q had a very good model pack, and BASEBALLDUDE decided that it would help his own map to use these models. The "no graffiti" sign is covered in graffiti! Shout out to everyone who went beyond the limitations of the law to help me with this: BASEBALLDUDE, MysteryMan20/SlickNinja8, [QeHs]Mooseball (blaa), Jordan "JMR" Richards, KOKOT☺ (ascraeus), MaTzeMR, TRION, noturning(back), LaZeRs. jitspoe, and Superman There are two billboards on the map advertising BASEBALLDUDE's other map, Neon. Neon is a relatively new PB2 map completed in late 2013. The basic layout in New York is two CTF teams, yellow and red. Each team has its own base skyscraper with its single flag on the roof. Between these two skyscrapers are more buildings and skyscrapers, including the jail. The cap point is where the flag is. There are many jumps in New York, ranging from pretty easy to very challenging. Beginners will find that there are many jumps within their skill level, and experts will enjoy performing some of the harder jumps to gain an edge. New York was designed primarily for public and speed servers. With its large size, New York has a big carrying capacity. Spawnkilling and camping in the base might become an issue in speed servers. The way to get around this is that there is a 60% chance of not spawning on the roof, so whoever spawns near or around the base but not it it will need to help out in times of intense spawnkilling. Would New York suit the competitive scene? Probably not, but it is not impossible that the matching community might dig it. With its wide range of jumps, New York might be a good training/evaluation map for clans and players seeking competitive greatness. New York took a long time to complete. BASEBALLDUDE began working on New York in 2012. Frustrated by compiling errors, he stopped working on it for a while and began to work on Neon. After a while, BASEBALLDUDE felt as if it was time to give New York another try. More experienced at mapping by then, he was able to overcome the compiling errors and reduce the map's size to release new_york_a1 (alpha 1) to the public. The map was at first not received well, but luckily that didn't discourage BASEBALLDUDE. Two alphas, fourteen betas, and almost a year later, New York went final. At this point, New York was well-known throughout DP, and the community could wait for a final release no longer. There is also a secret room in this map. At the end of the game, the end screen is this big huge image of this map in all of its glory. This room is fairly easy to access via no-clip observer mode, but it is also possible to access without being an observer. Has anyone figured it out yet? (be quiet LaZeRs and SlickNinja8) That's all for now. Enjoy the map! ,: ,?}' =!J | ,*-. ?& WP) Y9P YP ,W' ,W) ,WW.' WW) ,WWW) 7W),WWWW' `WWWWWW' 9---W) ,,--WPL=YXW=== (P),CY:,I/X'F9P WUT===---/===9) -HP+----Y(C=9W) '9Y3'-'-OWPT- 'WWLUIECW (:7L7C7' ,P--=YWFL Y-=:9)UW:L 3-'9=WU/.7 ,WP9HTFUW'() 9W7W))UF 9) 7WYW))PW W 7WH)),WC) 7L--/XY) 9+-,KY7) W9-Y3+7) W'=9WI7) ,W '-YY) W ::W , ,T :X) () () '9W 'L. () ,- (C =:9 '9L () ,T () ,,-7) 7WL WW ,F' () , T9) '9WL -- ,YF () '-/(W -==+PE9P7===O) -, 'W, , T+/WX=L-. ,WP+()+3L3,),=WL --==-T- 7) -,YW '-=9WPL+PT-- ':--L/=9WP=-' 'W-,.-,++W. 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