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September 21st, 2024 06:55:13am UTC
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Digital Paint Login System Profile for tini
Player ID:5082
Names registered:tini, depalma, freakiej, bigtom, ijtini, mtallyourshort, mtallurshort, brozt, lordjitspoe
Active Clan:insane
Former Clans:Team Cash, Darkness, 2 Times As Good, 6 Feet Under, We are the R!ot, Three Inches Of Blood, GeneratioN MillenniaL, Wolf Fang Clan, Status Quo, New Breed, Team FR4G, Team sk1ll, Almost Ninja, 8th Wonder, Team TiNi, DR34M Team, Brotherhood, real Players, Insane Junction, illustrious Gaming, Underrated, Vitalfusion , Psycho Ballers, Nothing 2 Prove, StRaTeGiK InSoMnIaKs, What The ____?, Team FlaWLesS, Hard work, Love, Compassion, Sacrifice, Silence, What The ____?, Allstarz
MSN Address:soccer_italia@hotmail.com
Location:Canada, University of Toronto
Real Name:Joe

Im H@ze's dad, which makes me your grand papa