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September 21st, 2024 06:40:14am UTC
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Digital Paint Login System Profile for redemption
Player ID:60437
Names registered:redemption, bloodstar, redemp, toocold
Active Clan:Team [DiStOrTiOn]
Former Clans:The United, whoopin ass takin names, Polar Gaming Trainees, Black Top Acez, BeMad, Sniper Elite, oldschool, five star paintball, Krazy Sinical Shooters, Death's Instinct Organization, Exposed Quality, Seek and Kill, Zone of Death, Just Another Headshot, Extreme ^ Death ^ Squad, 1ncredibly 1nsane 3lites, Special Blend, Friendly Enemies, Violate The Noob, Vendetta Disaster, stragglers turn to starz, We Cant Miss, |Paint 2 Face|, Serial Killers B Team, TeaM_SniPeD, Insane Ownerz, Insane Junction Training, Celebrating Jesus' Birth (Christmas), Factor cero, Banned 4 Life
Location:Behind You with a Tippman(Buahahaha)