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Digital Paint Feature Vote

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Feature 10314 - Blank players show up in scoreboard after map change.
Added: 2019-04-25 22:37:42 UTC (+0000)
Type: Bug
Status: Open
Category: Client
Thread URL: http://dplogin.com/forums/index.php?topic=28337
Rating: +0 (see aggregate vote data)
Additional notes
Sometimes, after a map changes, there are a bunch of blank/empty client entries in
the scoreboard list.  Just a bug that needs to be fixed.
Depends on Required for Aggregate vote data

Total: 0 voters
Positive votes: 0 votes
Negative votes: 0 votes
Positive rating: +0 (NAN%) [w/ +0 bounty]
Negative rating: −0 (NAN%) [w/ −0 bounty]
Rating: +0
Individual vote data
Vote Voter Submitted